Monday, March 4, 2024

Faith In Action - Bringing Hope to forgotten Peoples of Guatemala

It is so interesting who God puts in your life at different times and seasons.  Back in 2008 while Erin was on YWAM in Australia, Erin met Kayla.  Kayla who grew up in Guatemala as a Missionary Kid.  After YWAM they stayed somewhat connected, but never dreamed a meeting would actually take place..  Given Kayla & her family split their time between Guatemala & USA it seemed unlikely to reconnect. 

As soon as we felt called to go to Guatemala I reached out to Kayla about our connecting but was unsure how it would all unfold but God knew. Our very first day in Guatemala. they happened to be in Guatemala City so we were able to meet them and spend a morning with them.   After hearing their passion and the work they are doing serving the Lord, we knew right away that we had to find a way to see them.  Logistically we weren't sure given their ministry is in Zacapa around 4-5 hours away from Fe Viva located in the southern region.  But God put his plan into action; all the pieces of the puzzle came together and with the blessings of FeViva we were off to see Faith In action being led By Kayla & Jared Phillips and their 3 kids Harper ( 5) , Judah ( 3) , London ( 4 months old).

 Check out their website here:

We left at 5:00 am to beat traffic from Guazacapan up to the mountain regions of Zacapa, where we were driven by our faithful driver HECTOR! 

We arrived around 9:45. We unloaded our stuff, got a quick tour and then headed back into the vehicles to head up into the mountains to visit the mission base where Kayla grew up in the village called Pinalito (Little Pine Tree). It was a 2-hour drive, straight up the mountain, 4x4 incredible trek. 
(Drive up to the Village - Creek crossing, Daniel the cowboy)

3 years ago Kayla & Jared started this journey of rescuing these 7 bonus children ( boys & girls ages 3-12) from this village who were severely neglected & abused. They joined us on this trip up to their village and we got to meet their cousins & aunties and hear their incredible story of healing & redemption, they were an absolute joy to meet and an inspiration. 

The views from this village were breathtaking, from one direction of the mountain range is Honduras and all in between Faith in Action has been ministering to these villages about Jesus and providing help however they can. At their base where we stayed, they built a local school, and a medical clinic where doctors & dental or other medical professionals come in and try to help anyone they can from all the surrounding villages. They also have a heart for churches- so they have built a church in Pinalito but instead of having a pastor from the village they want to empower the people of Guatemala to serve their people as missionaries. The pastor & his family come from a village 4 hours away to serve as missionary pastors to serve the village & area for God. 

This weekend was full of us just listening in awe of all the stories of the people of this village, their tragedies & suffering but also how God showed up in miraculous ways to show his love & faithfulness in their lives. We will cherish these stories and the people we met who remained faithful when it did not make sense yet God proved to be trustworthy and faithful. Sunday morning we headed to church, just so you get a visual understanding the churches are concrete buildings with a roof but no windows. They blast the music so loud that it can be reached to the village to let them know church has begun. Kayla also shared that many have come to Christ by listening to the blasting music & preaching perhaps because their spouses would not allow them to go or were scared to attend. Many men; with machete's in hand ( no man or teen boy did not have a machete in their hands at all times) hung out in a group outside the church, and would not come in but would stay close enough to hear every word. 
Church at Pinalito
You can see the men standing at the door and outside all around without actually coming into the church

It was a blessing to experience the service with the people of Pinalito; we got to meet many families and always many many children. After lunch we went for a hike to the houses of the Aunties & cousins of the 7 bonus kids; it's a treacherous hike straight down the mountainside- I could barely do it in my shoes yet these women do it in rubber sandals every day. It was an honour to gain more understanding of what these 7 bonus kids grew up in and their surroundings. Their auntie showed us how to grind the corn & showed us the process of making the tortillas in their kitchen. I asked the lady how many times a day they do this; thinking once a day or every other day- she responded 3 times a day. Some days this is all they have to eat so it is tortillas  3 times a day. We were able to just spend time with them and pray over them- it was really wonderful for us and the kids. We packed everything up and made our 2-hour trek back down the mountain to Zacapa with hearts full of gratitude for what we had seen, heard, and witnessed. 

Bonus kids village family
Erin praying for a 2 day old baby

Coffee growers


Faith in Action's other big ministry in Zacapa is witnessing and loving the families who work at the dump. A lot of the families who end up working at the dump are from the surrounding mountain villages with whom Kayla grew up. One day we bought all the supplies to make bags for 40 families, a variety of essential food items that can carry their family through the next couple of weeks. The next day we got to hand deliver to a couple homes and go to the dump ourselves. As you can imagine the smells, the look, the sadness of the environment yet these families are full of joy. So happy to talk with you and meet you; we were in awe of each one- it was an honour to pray over them and spend time together. We found out the children go to school ( if they can afford to go to school) and once school is completed at 1:00 head to the dump to be with their parents and work alongside them. They even had a football game going on in the middle of the dump.

The Dump in Zacapa

(Left) handing out to the families (Right) Juan, legit beauty had a huge smile the whole time!

This experience and the people we met will forever be a part of our story; we will remember the stories shared and carry them with us as move forward. We lift this ministry ( Faith in Action) and the people of the region of Zacapa up to God; we are thankful for each memory of your faithfulness.

Here are a few videos for your enjoyment:


  1. Wow, this is incredibly heart warming and what amazing experiences for all of you. Shows how grateful we can be. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oops didn’t mean to be anonymous! It’s Cassandra White

    2. Thanks for sharing this part of your journey. Such an amazing journey your family is on!

  2. Such wonderful stories of your journey! I've enjoyed and prayed along with each one. Thank you for sharing the experience with us!

  3. Awesome buddy! I’m just viewing this now that you’re back. Very inspiring


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