Friday, February 23, 2024

Evento comunitario para niños - Kids Community Outreach Event

Over the last 2 weeks, we have been visiting families in remote villages.  We have spent countless hours each day meeting new families, praying for their needs, and providing help when required.  Our other purpose was to invite them to our kid's event on Sunday.  For any family with kids we would give them invitations for all their kids ages 3-12.  

We handed out about 200 invitations over a 2-week period.  We visited countless homes and got a very good sense of the village, and its very tough living conditions.

We were welcomed almost always with open arms.  Everyone stopped what they were doing, chatted with us was welcoming, and many we prayed to understand their needs.

Lots of preparation went into the event, getting food ready for the kids (12 giant watermelons - the largest you have ever seen) 200 frozen jello packs, and preparing a drama of the good Samaritan, craft for 100+ kids, slip and slide, and all the things that go into planning an event.  In tandem with our favourite Guatemalan Sonia!

On the day of the event over 100 kids came plus their families!  Here is a video of the event.

Here are a few pictures of the event:

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