Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Memories that will last a lifetime - Our time in Colima, Mexico & Guatemala

Now that we are back in Canada after 3 months away, we can reflect on some of our favourite memories. 

We are so grateful for all the support, encouragement and prayers from so many people.

Thanks to Powers Creek Church and our church family.  Many of you would continually love us and lift us up...without you our life is not the same.

To my company - Shelter Lending - Dave who supported us and encouraged me to go.  Our entire team supported me on days when I wasn't able to be as productive... they helped, and I am so thankful.

To our families who supported us immensely, spiritually, physically (Val & Wayne came to Guatemala for 3 weeks!) and financially we are so grateful.

But above all we give the glory to God- Every step was taken because of his provision and care. We felt his protection and guidance and we know nothing could have been accomplished without him.

Theme songs: Jeremy Camp - Keep Me in the Moment, & Seph Schlueter - Counting My Blessings

Favourite Verses 1 Corinthians 15:58: "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 

1 Peter 4:11: " If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

Colima, Mexico - Hogar De Amor - Orphanage: January 2024

Our favourite memories is the time invested with each child- the leadership was so open and encouraging to let us connect and build relationships with the kids which we were so grateful for. Whether it was playing soccer/basketball,  playing card games, sitting and chatting about their lives. Each hug and conversation had is cherished and our hope is they felt loved by us but most of all by God. Even with the language barrier, our intention was by each hug they would feel treasured and worthy of more than the heavy pasts they had already walked through. Each child was so precious but one child in particular; his name is Jesus but everyone called him Chewilto- he is 6 years old in grade 1. He was one of the youngest in Casa Matriz- right from the start he desired hugs and time spent with us. At first, I ( Erin)really struggled to connect- he due to birth defects his ears, nose, and mouth deformities that he needs surgery for - he was always dirty & honestly smelled interesting to say nicely ( even though they showered every day). In my selfishness and just north American ways first few days I had a hard time breaking down my wall of openness to him- but after a week I got to see his heart and understand his loving personality I could only see the amazing child of God that he is. By the end he was my favourite to hug, snuggle and spend time with- I am so thankful to God who was able to shape my heart to accept this amazing wonderful child who just captured my heart and still does. 

Taking the kids to the Waterslides - We were able to take all of the kids in the orphanage and some of the other houses to a nearby waterslide which they had never been to.  Most kids had never been to a pool let alone a waterslide park even though it's only about 20 minutes from the orphanage.  So we loaded up the bus and took the whole crew.  It was an incredible day and a great blessing for all the kids to laugh and have a ton of fun.  We were thankful for all the great people we met in Colima

Every day I ( Jayson) got to drive the bus!  It was a joy and such a great experience to be a bus driver for a month!  They don't have a bus driver, and they have to take the kids to school every day, and pick them up its a lot for the leaders to manage who is driving, and this provided them a break every day.  They go to school at 2:00pm and finish at 7:30pm, so we would leave about 1:35 for drop off and 7:05pm for pick up.

Guatemala - Fe Viva, Faith In Action & Power at Work: Feb-Mar 2024

Fe Viva - School -  Over the course of 2 months we were teaching volleyball and English to kids ages 14-18.  The Connections made through serving at the school were amazing. We got to know some amazing kids. Erin also had the opportunity to share a Body & Sex education class and got to know the girls on another level. In Guatemala women are treated with little respect or love- it was devastating to see how these women were just left to provide in all ways for their families because the men just leave. They are truly the bravest, hardest working, kindest women I have met- from sun rise to sun set they are washing clothes by hand on a rock or in a Pilla, trying to put any type of food on the table for their kids, and working a full-time job which is 7:00-5:00 - 6 days a week. And because of what we saw in the villages; the generational heartbreak of men leaving and women having no education to do more than making tortillas to sell or washing clothes for others. We wanted to encourage and tell these high school girls they were made for more- God has a great plan for your life; to be educated, to impact the world for others, start a business, become the doctor or dream job you have dreamed about. It is our constant prayer that a generation shift will happen for these amazing people, that through FeViva school the boys are taught to be respectful & loving to women and that these girls can do anything God has laid on their hearts to do.  FeViva has an incredible Director of the FeViva school named Cecila and you can see the impact she is making in the lives of the kids and surrounded herself with a great staff. 
Sonia another FeViva missionary is in the community working with the kids- educating them from young that they are loved by God and God has great plans for them. She is in the community daily showing God's love through connection and prayers. 
Nelson & Melissa ( Full time missionaries) through the FeViva church and Youth group reaching & helping the community and youth in any way they can with the love of God. Through stoves & water purification systems they can provide for the families of many communities essential items that are life changing.  
Kim & Lynn ( Missionaries for over 30 years and started FeViva) we are thankful for their hearts and all that FeViva has impacted for God and how many countless families it has helped. Many cherished memories from everyone and everything we experienced alongside FeViva. 

We received our biggest gift near the end of our time.   You never really understand the impact you have until much later.  The group of students we taught English (25 students), who really didn't know much English, and were barely able to say more than a few sentences....well they surprised us and blessed us with the most amazing gift...A Song.  On our last day, as we said goodbye, they asked us to stand in the front...and little did we know as they cued up some music, that they would sing this precious song to us.  It brought us to tears, and the Holy Spirit was absolutely present in that room with everyone.  A cherised memory that we were fortunate to capture, one that we will never forget. "Lord I need you, Oh i need you, every hour i need you...." In their beautiful, Spanish accents!

Youtube Video ⬆️⬆️⬆️👍

We discovered in Mexico and became even more prominent in Guatemala was the impact of Jayson being a stable, loving, kind, fun loving male figure. Many children just do not have that model- men do not exist or very detached or emotionally unavailable. I felt Jayson had such a massive impact everywhere he went, in his loving actions to his fun loving willingness to play and spend time with them. It was a highlight for me to see the kids take Jayson in and see men in a new light- our hope is that they see their God is loving and kind like him. 

Faith In Action - Visit to Zacapa, Guatemala.  We were able to visit our friends who have a ministry in the northern part of Guatemala.  Their ministry is called Faith in Action.  We spent 5 days with them and 2 of them in a remote village.  We visited a village called PinoLito, which means little pine tree.  We had a true village experience.  This remote village is accessed only by 4x4, horse or motorbike.  We got to serve the families and pray for the people.  They have 7 bonus kids who were rescued from this village, so we visited some of their families.

It was an incredible time spent with incredible faith-filled people, who are the hands and feet of Jesus.  Some incredible stories were heard, and some great memories were made, as we were stretched beyond our threshold in so many ways.  Being surrounded by villages carrying machettes and just being in an extremely remote village this ministry planted a church 30 years ago.   

5500 ft elevation
High above Zacapa in a small village called Pino Lito (Little Pine Tree)
Church (men stand outside or at the door with their machettes)

We also helped with their garbage dump ministry where they serve families who work at the dump.  We were able to make food bundles for the families.  We made about 40 in total and it ended up being the exact amount.   The 'dump people' many of them are from the villages in the mountains.  Since they don't have any education and it is very difficult to find a job, so they work at the dump.  Their kids will go to school in the morning and then join their families at the dump after school until dark.  They are very resourceful, loving people.  It was very eye-opening, but these people had so much faith, and so much joy for their situation it was inspiring.

Getting ready to deliver these bundles to families at the dump


At the garbage dump in Zacapa handing out food packs for families

Our families along with their bonus kids

Erin & Kayla - went to Ywam together in 2007

Power At Work:

As we wrote in our last blog -

We were able to spend time with the great folks at Power At Work.  It really was a highlight to spend people who empower children.  They are providing valuable, practical and life-long skills.  They are giving back to the community in immense ways.  They have huge hearts and open doors.

From bunk beds and wooden tables to repairing bikes....these guys are awesome...and Canadian!

Memories that will last a lifetime - Our time in Colima, Mexico & Guatemala

Now that we are back in Canada after 3 months away, we can reflect on some of our favourite memories.  We are so grateful for all the suppor...